
Posted June/12/2023

Sari  says this about their nutritional yeast "We test each batch for toxic metals, contaminants, and other organisms."


Posted May/19/2023

Fish isn't the only food that contains mercury. The brand Naked test their pea protein powder and list the amount of heavy metals test results per serving on the container, they list 0.15 mcg of mercury, California prop 65 limit for mercury is 0.3 mcg. It will a good thing when more companies list the heavy metals their products contain on their packaging. 

Posted April/29/2023

Lead Mercury Arsenic Cadmium In Foods

Assuming they are washed well with a food grade detergent and potable water before consumption.)

Low risk

• Tomatoes

• Peppers

• Beans

• Zucchini

Moderate risk vegetables

• Cucumbers

• Melons

High risk vegetables (there are reports that say organic produce has significantly less toxic metals than conventional grown.  Carrots are a good example of this, with organic carrots having 0.0118 mg kg-1 and conventional grown carrots having 0.0192 mg kg-1).

• Potatoes

• Carrots

• Radishes

• Onions

• Collard greens

• Swiss chard

• Lettuce

• Mint

• Cilantro

List From: Vegetable selection makes a difference in heavy metal accumulation link

📢  There is a company that offers baby foods that are free of heavy metals, it would be great if they offer fresh produce that's tested free of heavy metals, maybe there will be more people offering that someday soon. Link to heavy metal free baby food company. When you can buy from stores that buy directly from local organic farmers. Support at your local farmer's markets when you can. 🍠🥕

 Add Cumin Seed to the list of helpers when it comes to helping the body remove heavy metals plus more. Also known as N. Sativa:  "Heavy metals, antibiotics residue, food processing toxicants, mycotoxins and food additives are examples of natural and chemical toxic agents in foods that can be prevented by N. sativa aka Black Seed or Black cumin seeds"  link 

🧄Also keep in mind the possible properties of garlic to help remove lead and block new absorption. More info on that & nutritional support that helps remove heavy metals is below further down this page. It's important to be aware info is constantly changing due to more scientific testing of claimed properties about various substances that help. For example It's been said for years that cilantro helps remove heavy metals but this article says cilantro is a high risk food for ingesting heavy metals. With more scientific research this will be clarified whether it helps us remove heavy metals or not but this article says it doesn't help with removal.

Another informative article from Aug/2022 states homemade and store bought baby foods and family food both have high levels of heavy metals.

August/3/2022 update

Aug/6/2022 📜 📖 🙂 updated: link to total diet study chart with list of metals and minerals below. Look for the icon/emoji you seen next to these sentences as you scroll down the writing in the next paragrah below this.

🤔 The contents of toxic metals in plants is more than upsetting, the statements about it's bioavailability to humans duing digestion is confusing as shown below.  Many of us are left with the question should any of us be  doing plant based diets? Because on the one hand some researchers, plant-based doctors and scientists are saying toxic metals are not bioavailable in plants. But it's bioavailable in rice according to the FDA. Rice is a plant, that seems like a contradiction and it is confusing. There is more than one opinion on vegetarians, vegans and omnivores and who has higher levels of toxic metals in their bodies and of course not enough studies done on the topic. Since the toxic metals content is known for all the common  foods we eat and published regularly the data shouldn't be ignored. 📜 📖 🙂If you are interested in this info in more detail you can download it from this link to the FDA's total diet study, it list many metals and minerals and gives the minimum and max amounts measured for the years 2006 thru 2013/2014. It could help give you a clearer picture of the metals in the foods meats & veggies and who know maybe good things will come from knowing this info, will folks figure out ways to remove toxic metals from  foods? File downloads as a pdf file.

🤔 "Heavy Metals" "Research indicates that the bioavailability of heavy metals may be lower in plant-derived foods than in animal-derived foods, despite the fact that plant foods sometimes contain higher amounts. This is likely the reason why vegetarians had lower levels of cadmium, lead and mercury even though their heavy metal intake was higher than meat-eaters ...." link to written article on the Nutrition Facts website 

🤔 A different Opinion published 2020 "In fact, a published study from Slovak Medical University in Czech Republic (2006), found in a group of healthy adults that the vegetarian group had significantly higher blood cadmium levels than those who were non-vegetarian (1). Additionally, the vegan sub-group within the vegetarians had even higheblood levels of cadmium." Link to written article on the Axiom Food website

🤔 Toxic Metal detox posted June/7/2022 link to nutrition Dr. Greger link

Posted 2019

🗂🪜🧄🧄🧄🧄Raw garlic removed lead from chicken meat and was found in test results to remove lead from human bodies also. Research and learn more about it. This is according research Dr. Greger shared  Garlic removed lead

Drink lots of water to prevent Cadmium absorption by the body. Cadmium in fine dust linked to gene variation, slower walking pace" on YouTube

Alpha Lipoic Acid removes mercury. Alpha-lipoic acid is a strong antioxidant that can renew other antioxidants in the body and chelate metals from the body. 🔶️ I recently noticed some writers  expressing concerns about Alpha Lipoic Acid, they said it could cause mercury to start circulating in the blood in some way. Also some doctors who recommend it say only R Alpha-lipoic acid is absorbed by the body. So do your own research on this and all of the info that sparks your interest to help you decide what's best for you.

Humans can get mercury from seafoods, vaccines although mercury isn't in vaccines as much as it use to be because many vaccine makers are leaving out thimerosal, also people can get mercury from various types of pollution etc.

More Pollution And Chemicals Things To Detox

Now people have to deal with the fact that there's been exposure of the thousands of barrels of DDT dumped in the ocean in California that are leaking, this is another reason some people are concerned about eating animals from the ocean. Back to the topic of toxic metals in foods: "soluble fiber such as flaxseed increased the retention of cadmium in rats. People with high exposure to cadmium may therefore need to exercise caution when consuming flaxseed." Link to written article Medical News Today Alpha  Lipoic Acid Link


Ginger Rhizome/Root

 Ginger Fresh Root Tea is a tasty beverage all year and is good during cold and flu season, if it doesn't interfere with any medications being used it's a good thing to make. Fresh Root boiled or simmered until the water turns golden, cool down and drink with a straw if you want less golden residue left on your teeth. You can simmer it until it gets very dark gold then you'll have a concentrate to dilute. It's good hot or cold. Ginger Fresh Root Tea is spicy, you can dilute it if you want less spicy. It's good plain and also tasty w/ a little plant milk od whatever kind of milk you prefer. Also you can try boiling it a second time after your first batch of tea often it can make a second  smaller batch, just use 1/4 cup  less water. The organic pure ginger juice by the ginger people it a good choice as well, but because it has added citric acid it will curdle milk, it's still a drinkable cup of tea it just doesn't look the same but it doesn't taste bad, just keep stirring it with your straw while drinking yo keep it mixed up.

Ginger Root is also great to add to smoothies. I like making smoothies w/1 or 2 bananas. 1 clove of garlic. 5 or 6 frozen unsweetened cranberries. 1.5 to 2 cups of kale or mixed salad greens. Plus a chunk of Ginger Fresh Root (figure out how much works for your desired taste), then I Add enough water to blend it to my desired thickness and drink w/ a straw to get less on  teeth and gums. Sometimes I add more fruit like berries,  and some organic pea protein powder tat is very low in sodium. It's a small blender so the amounts are small in my smoothies but if you have a larger blender you can add more ingredients to make bigger batch. Everyone shouldn't drink smoothies that are very sweet or use protein powder. Protein powder isn't necessary when you use whole foods to make a smoothie. But some folks use them to make sure they're getting their desired amount of protein. 

According to reseach Dr. Greger shared, if smoothies are drank slowly they won't raise blood sugar levels to rapidly. Some folks keep their smoothie size small, consume them with a meal and keep their smoothie ingredients majority veggies. Smoothies and or pureed veggie soups are especially important for some of the folks who have alot of missing teeth and can't chew food the way they could with teeth. To mention Dr. Greger again, he ask; what is going make it so you get more fresh veggies and fruit into your body? What ever it is do what it takes to get more veggies and fruit in your body. 

Some Doctors who specialize in reversing heart disease say no smoothies if you have heart disease, like Dr Cadwell Esselstyn. However Dr. Baxter Montgomery says raw homemade juices and smoothies are great for reversing heart disease. Both doctors have seen success in their patients with disease reversals and prevention of disease.  So be sure to research and so you decide what's best for you.

And if you can't make smoothies or tea because you're homeless or are off a cooking grid for any other reasons, you can clean and chop up some Ginger Fresh Root chopped in small to tiny pieces or use the tiny grater and swallow them with water, some folks like to chew it up or suck on thin slices. If you care about stains on your teeth you don't want to suck on thin slices, it is better to take the small pieces w/water.

By the cup cream of ginger fresh root tea: used grater to grate ginger/ best to use the tiny grater side of the grater. Grate directly into cup one or two tablespoons of giner fill the tea cup 3/4 full mircowave. (I did 2:50 minutes it didn't boil over several times but one time it did i tried 2:00 minutes it was ok but, experiment for yourself to find the best time). To make it stronger, the other way is to microwave it for 1.5 minutes wait for 2 minutes then microwave again for 2 minutes. Remove from microwave and add soy milk, drink with reusable straw. Sweetener optional. Its good unsweetened. Yum! ( after the tea is finish put a little water in the tea cup swish around and swallow the ginger left in the cup). I like the grated ginger floating in the cup but if you don't like that, put the grated ginger in a tea bag then brew. You can buy reusable tea bags or one time use tea bags.

Dec- 20th 2020

Calcium Tested for lead in 2000 and in 1993;

There was a lot of promoting of taking calcium supplements in the 1980s.  In fact my mother use to encourage me to take it, and occasionally I would send her some supplements calcium was one of them. Years later new information hit the news headlines about various dangers from taking calcium supplements. I did stop taking them and I did inform one of my mother's health support team about calcium dangers so I'm sure she isn't taking it any longer. Below is  some of the info in news headlines along with additional info about calcium. 

"The lead content was measured in 70 brands of calcium supplements grouped in the following five categories: dolomite, bonemeal, refined and natural source calcium carbonate, and calcium chelates. RESULTS: The lead levels measured in the supplements ranged from 0.03 microgram/g to 8.83 micrograms/g. " 

Farmers are encouraged to add calcium to their soil which adds lead to soil. Many  organic goji berries have a prop 65 warning on the package because of their lead levels.

We have to keep working to create better gardening and farming soils w/out adding ingredients that contain toxic metals like lead. Some scientist have said there's no scientific reason why we age. I think that the calcium which contains lead in varying amounts is added to so many food products & soils is something to pay attention to. Because it creates two things that can cause brain malfunction, a host other things and possible over all body weakening, lead tainted calcium effect and folks over 60 the calcium effect. In the 50s actress Allison Hayes got weaker in a short period of time w/a extremely high levels of lead in calcium supplements she was taking. Lead is still in calcium it's just lower levels in some cases and higher in other cases. Lead will store up in the body & the lower levels just creates slower weakening and aging, so this could be part of answer. Dr. Greger has a video clip about this also. The World Health Organization states: "Exposure to lead-contaminated soil and dust resulting from battery recycling and mining has caused mass lead poisoning and multiple deaths in young children in Nigeria, Senegal and other countries." The W.H.O. is mentioning soil and dust with lead contamination is impacting the health of childern, Dr. Greger is mentioning Allison Hayes she is an adult hurt by lead in a supplement. How many adults now feel weaker and weaker or just a bit off and eat foods with added calcium, calcium  tainted with lead and don't suspect the added calcium? It's a question worth asking and a issue worth addressing over and over until lead tainted calcium is not added to food, soils, pet and livestock foods, and medications or anything else ingested, and equal amounts of all food options for people who are over 60 without added calcium are made available and easy to find.  "we need manufacturers to voluntarily obtain better raw material, measure the amount of lead and label their products." JAMA on science daily.

Calcium Tested for lead Results links



Dr Greger's video about calcium and lead and Allison Hayes link YouTube

The W.H.O. Lead Poisoning

JAMA on Science Daily site article

Dr. Greger Nutritional Facts: Nutritional Yeast lead test Results: Dr. Greger's Note: In short, we found detectable amounts of lead in samples of Frontier, KAL, and Whole Foods brand nutritional yeast, but the lead levels were so low that they all comply with the exceedingly (and justifiably) strict California Prop 65 standards. Still, I advise pregnant women who eat more than a third of a cup a day on a regular basis choose a different brand. No detectable lead levels were found in Bob’s Red Mill, Bragg, Dr. Fuhrman, Red Star, or NOW Foods brand nutritional yeast." Currently Now brand nutritional yeast comes up on Amazon with a prop 65 warning.

 Lead adds up in the body and we all need to watch out including pregnant women. Especially if it's true that African Americans are more sensitive to salt, who is more sensitive to lead? Since we don't have the answer it is better for us all to watch out than to ignore it.

Link to Nutrition Facts  written article:

Mother Jones Lead And Crime

 "The lead-crime hypothesis is pretty simple: lead poisoning degrades the development of childhood brains in ways that increase aggression, reduce impulse control, and impair the executive functions that allow people to understand the consequences of their actions." (It also impairs decision making functions and other actions that aren't always criminal. It can impact the over all well being of all people including childern). "..... crime declined due to reductions in lead, not because of CompStat or stop-and-frisk or anything that Rudy Giuliani or Mike Bloomberg did." This Mother Jones article also states when lead was removed from gasoline homicide went down but wasn't eliminated. I would like to add what about the continued consumption of lead in food products, with lead tainted calcium and other ways lead gets into food. Some folks mention lead is naturally occurring in soil, that might be true but for farmers who have soil tested and test show their soil is lead free but after they add calcium and test again and find lead, the calcium is one of the ways lead is getting into soil and then into food products and livestock. This might be part of the reason homicide rates aren't even lower than they are now or eliminated.  Link to Mother Jones


Types Of Calcium 

Several different types of phosphate calcium,

calcium from eggshell powder is used by many, eggshell powder contains lead, aluminum, cadmium, mercury so be aware of calcium carbonate made with eggshell find out if it's in the calcium fortified food you eat if you eat foods fortified with calcium. 

monocalcium and calcium chloride is added to many foods it's in some brands of cookies, cakes, tofu (Organic Edamame pasta or Black soy bean pasta can be a sustitute for tofu, it's high in soy protein w/out added calcium or added salt.  365 brand canned black eyes peas, some store made vegan collard green wraps and more all have calcium chloride added. Calcium naturally occurs in many foods, some of them might be a good substitute in baking and other applications. Like carrot root power or carrot juice powder, kale powder etc.

   Calcium chloride is used as part of leavening, by adding calcium chloride to baking soda they get aluminum free baking powder. If carrot powder is used instead, folks over 60 won't have to worry about taking calcium supplements in their food that aren't naturally occurring in the food.  It's  good to be aware of this due health effects calcium supplements can cause even in people over 40, it might be shown in future studies to cause problems for folks of all ages. Let's stay aware of it.

 For folks who want to be prepared with some treats without it the Partake cookie brand doesn't have calcium chloride as a leavening agent. Many whole wheat fig bars don't have it added but they have added sugar, remember when there were some available in the 1980s sweetened with dried fruit instead of sugar and fruit juice? I miss that option. In the mean time for those who cannot make their own, organic dates are a good treat and  according to some researchers just eating one date can help keep the colon healthy and help prevent colon cancer, they have lots of calories so as with any treat it's not wise to over eat them. And do extra flossing, rinsing and brushing if you add them to your dietary regimen or routine

Monocalcium had many names. Phosphate Salts Other Name(s): "Aluminum phosphate, Bone Phosphate, Calcium phosphate, Calcium Orthophosphate, Calcium Phosphate Dibasic Anhydrous, Calcium Phosphate-Bone Ash, Calcium ........ tricalcium ......." link to WebMD webmd

I mentioned a product above that might help, but I also shared the excitement I had about "no cholesterol" when I found some vegan cookies, but I was later disappointed to find out some brands have added monocalcium or calcium chloride so make sure to check the products ingredients regularly and to update your knowledge regularly about ingredients commonly used, because new research studies often come across additional health benefits and some times health harms for many thing we use. 

Westsoy unsweetened Soy is made with no added sodium, vitamins and minerals. 

Also soy products has been shown to lower blood pressure excluding not soy sauce. Dr. Greger says if you have no more than 3 servings a day of soy a day you're safe from harm from soy. Dr. Greger talks about soy lowering blood pressure  in his YouTube clip about whether miso is good for you. Still be careful of the soy products w/added sodium, w/miso a little bit is better than a lot. Health officials in Japan urge people there to lower salt intake to lessen elevated blood pressure, stroke risk and other high salt inake related illnesses. Dr Greger talks about how much servings of soy to have or not to have in his YouTube video clip about eating soy.

Raw garlic removed lead from chicken meat and was found in test results to remove lead from human bodies also. Research and learn more about it. This is according research Dr. Greger shared  Garlic removed lead

"nutritional yeast is good for the whole body including the brain"

Additional info about lysine: Dr. Colin Campbell states in one of his classes he teaches, he said when he worked on the research for the "China Study" they noticed that wheat protein was okay but as soon as lysine was added to the wheat protein it acted like casein and promoted cancer in the way casein did. In fact he said he noticed that during this period when he was researching this that the people and the animals that ate the highest protein diets all got cancer and the people eating the low protein diets did not get cancer. They discovered they could turn cancer on and off with high animal protein diets, link

This seems to be about adding in lysine to complete a protein. I don't think it will hurt to rinse with it for those who use it for oral care/teeth & gums care. However for those who take lysine as a supplement you'll have decide if you want to continue using lysine as a supplement after informing yourself with the research data from Dr. Colin Campbell and seek out second and third opinions about lysine and if you have the pleasure of meeting Dr. Campbell, you could ask him about his opinion on using it as a supplement alone, or using it for other benefits and not as a protein completion. Or research the foods with high lysine contents and eat them fresh and use them in powder form, maybe that could replace a lysine capsule with some of the plants that are high in lysine? It's worth getting info about. I also read this years ago in a book and I found some supporting info online about it from the National Center for Biotechnology Information, U.S. National Library of Medicine:  "Supplementation with adequate doses of lysine could prevent the development of AD."

So when I heard Dr. Colin Campbell mention that about lysine supplements I was surprised in some ways, because lysine is good for many things which are mentioned further down on this page in the article written about it before I wrote this on, but in other ways I wasn't surprised because he's encouraging people to get their nutrients from whole foods. We can't get vitamin D from plant foods or B12 those we have to supplement, so when it comes to lysine something we can get from plants,  more research needs to be done to find out more about the lower rates of Alzheimer's disease in people who have lysine rich diets and to find out why it is very beneficial to some people and they don't get cancer from using it as a supplement. Some scientist have used it to help treat cancer. So much more research needs to be done. Link


L-Lysine:  this amino acid is said to be good for the brain, the memory and many additional things. People have used it topically for a long time to help wound healing, to boost memory for test, and to improve brain function in general. Blueberries are also said to be very good for the brain as well. There was even good results with blueberry powder with small amounts taken everyday. I'm not sure it its the same with the dried blueberries without added oil, but it's worth keeping in mind as a backup or for those who can't keep fresh ones as much as they want.

If you want to try a supplement like lysine as well as others and don't want magnesium stearate  in it, try to find some without it. Magnesium stearate is from steric acid a saturated fat used in many vitamin supplements and other pills. Many folk don't want to take saturated fat in their supplements. Thus far I've noticed Now foods L-lysine powder and NutraBio L-Lysine Powder don't have it. This is something to read about, I'll be reading more about it myself, the less saturated fat the better. It's said be safe by some, however many folks are questioning the logic of manufacturers using it considering the fact that heart disease needs eradicated, and sat fat isn't good for doing that. I had concerns about magnesium stearate before I saw this YouTube video clip, the clip is interesting I've noticed they are using a cosmetic type of magnesium stearate and pharmaceutical companies and vitamin manufacturers use "food grade magnesium stearate". By the way, the NIH has raised concerns about cumulative effects of magnesium stearate/ steric acid saturated fat also, toxic effects are neuromuscular, laxative, ...... the video does add to infomation I've read about it. Video "Just say No to Magnesium Stearate" on YouTube

Written article about magnesium stearate

"If you are taking any supplements right now, I have a mini assignment for you."

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